Computer Recycling

Facts & Figures

  • Fifty percent of US households own a computer;
  • The National Safety Council estimates that over 315 million computers will become obsolete by 2004, creating 8.5 million tons of e-waste.
  • In 1999, 24 million computers became obsolete; only 14 percent were recycled.
  • In 1997, the average lifespan of a computer was 4 – 6 years; by 2005, the average lifespan of a computer is expected to be 2 years.
  • Over 300 million computer monitors have been sold in the US since 1980.
  • In 1997, only 1.7 million monitors were recycled; each Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) contains 7-8 pounds of hazardous lead
  • In 1998, only six percent of computers were recycled compared to the number sold; while at the same time, 70% of household appliances were recycled compared to the number put on the market.

Source: ServiceSource

To recycle all of your old computers and other electronics please contact us.